December 1, 2011

(She's Rambling Again....)

Eggs. Aw. Stead.

(The preceding is an alternative spelling of the word "exhausted." This is what results from the delirium I experience when I am, ahem....eggsawstead.)

  • Today, I attended the funeral of a man I have known since I first moved to this area.  I appreciated seeing his family together--all of Maurie and Peggy's kids were grown and gone by the time I moved to Port Orchard.  It's fascinating to see familiar characteristics in the faces and mannerisms of his children; though perfect strangers to me, there is no mistaking to whom they belong.  I hope this is true for me, too. 

  • Today also happens to be the birthday of one of my favorite 90-year-olds.  (Admittedly, I don't know many 90-year-olds, but if I did, she'd still top the list.)   I've also known Leota since first moving here; this spunky lady is a shining example of love and grace and kindness, and I am honored to know her.

  • We've got a few more birthdays coming up shortly, including one bestie on Tuesday, and another one in January.  ("Bestie" is what cool people call their best friends; I don't think it upped my coolness factor at all...) 

So, between funerals, and birthdays, and the fact that many of my dearest friends are the age my mother was when I decided I was too cool for her (we're the babies, Heather! ;-p), I'm reminded again of the swift passage of time, and the need to make the most of every moment.  I treat my days as if I'll live forever, procrastinating, and wasting moments.  A letter was shared recently where the writer, a dying man, makes it his purpose to find the treasure in each day--little things, gestures he wanted to remember to appreciate.  I was humbled to be reminded again of the treasures I hold, both those easy to find (Hi, family and friends :D), and those hidden in the heart. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tuesday isn't my birthday, Bestie! LOL You're a friend to so many. Glad to even be a minor one! <3