June 22, 2008


When we were last home in September, we managed to squeeze in a quick family photo shoot with one of Dad's photographer friends. I completely forgot about them until Dad sent me these this evening; now I'll have to hound him for the remaing 57 shots!

The Recaido Women

The Recaido Women's Security Detail

And, us, just because a picture of "us" is such a rarity.

So, take a good look at the picture of the guys, and tell me if it comes as any surprise that many people think the reason my sister and I are related is because of the two white guys. :)


Shirley said...

Wow! Nice family photos! Saw Jennifer and Adrian last weekend, as they were over visiting. Bet you can't guess what we talked about! Yeah, you guessed it--blogs!

It has been really cool to meet people through blogging, and also find out about various people we both know.

It was great to see Jennifer's family and find out that they're expecting another baby! :) -S.

Darin, Jean, Samson & Sydney said...

I forgot to tell you last night how much I loved these pictures. And yes, the brothers-in-law do certainly resemble each other!!


Sandra Ramey said...

Just visiting your blog....enjoyed it and saw your cute girls. I am Arlens mom...met you at the baby shower for Jessi. Here's my blog too.
see ya