August 26, 2009

Olympia 2009

Ah.  So much for my "daily snapshot" intentions. :p 

It has now been a few weeks since my last post, but they've been enjoyably busy weeks, so no complaints here, really.  We've enjoyed quality time with many friends, starting with a camping trip that Kiana accidentally deleted all evidence of on her camera--there were some tears after that little incident. :-(  Good times, but we sure wish we had proof of it--our first family camping trip ever! 

The camping trip was followed by two much-needed weekends at Olympia convention; good days, and we're looking forward to more when we get Hawaii convention in November!  (Not to sound greedy or anything....:-9 Yippee!)

Another self-portrait by Kiana. :D
The Little and the Middle.
With Ille and Aurora!
Friends old and new.
This next set of pictures may require a drum roll--know why? ;-9
Happy Wednesday!
(Also, thanks to Kat & Ille, whose pictures I...borrowed.;-9)


Michelle said...

Look at that pretty lady! and those beautiful girls! Looks like you had a wonderful time, and I'm sorry to hear about the deleted pictures from your family camping trip. That was worth a lot of tears... :(

What convention were you at? (let me rephrase that to get rid of the dangling participle: Which convention did you attend?)

*big hugs*

K 'n' K said...

I was so tickled I had "innocent" shots that displayed your new um... equipment!? lol I'm happy to share them. And Yay!-Thanks for the blog update! HUGS to the li'l ones!

the other D :) said...

Finally pics of you!!!! You look beautiful in them.... you cant ever say wait this is my good side because they both are :)

Miss you you guys and give the girl a hug for me.


Darin, Jean, Samson & Sydney said...

Love the left & right photos! Congrats!!

I posted the group photo from camping last night so at least you have that much proof!

prestidge'ohana said...

hi allnall's:(pun intended)

Sandra Ramey said...

Pretty hairdo...oh yeah! and look at those cute little girls!