June 19, 2010

Confessions of a Guilt-Ridden Aunty...

Oy vey. 

I try not to live with too much guilt, but tell me how I could avoid it after this conversation:

Me:  "Hi, Kawena!  Happy Birthday, babe!  How was your birthday yesterday?"

Kawena: "It was good."  (She filled me in on the details, which included seeing Toy Story 3, having dinner at Genki sushi, and she receiving a Polly Pocket toy she'd been wanting.)

Me: "That's great, babe!  I'm glad you had such a good day!  Aunty is so sorry for not calling yesterday, I just..."

Kawena: "...forgot."


Talk about feeling like a miserable loser of an aunty.  And, truth be told, she'd been in our thoughts all day, but I guess it doesn't count unless she knows about it. :-s

So, this is my formal public apology to my sweet baby niece, who is not such a baby anymore--Six Years Old!!! =D  Love you, babe!

                                       One of the images permanently etched on my heart. :D                                       


Michelle said...

One day I will write a book - well, most likely an article - about a woman's relationship with guilt. I swear one of our top jobs as women, mothers, aunties, is to manage guilt!

At least you called. I send my nieces & nephews cards.


ps - one thing I'm learning is that most of the time I feel a need to explain something, when the person I'm talking to doesn't really want or need an explanation (i.e.: "I'm sorry I didn't call..."). If I don't mention it, then usually they don't ask. Just a thought.

Of course, if they ask, then I feel quite guilty... *sigh*

Sandra Ramey said...

Sweet picture!....hey we all forget:)

Keala C. said...

Hi Sis! Thanks for the card - Kawena loved it! <3