December 27, 2008

Afternoon Artists

The girls received an easel and paint set from their cousins for Christmas; today is the first day I felt brave enough to let them use it (;p) and I'm glad they did:

Malia's piece is an abstract work of art, popping with her brilliant use of primary colors. Her medium was poster paints, applied in long, sweeping strokes, and then filled in with generous "blobs."

C'est Magnifique!

Mikela initially chose to showcase her extensive knowledge of Dr. Seuss's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"; she then switched over to a more mature "Twilight" theme, after peeking at her sister's work. (And, no, I don't let them read Twilight.) Her combined use of colors adds great interest to this piece; I find the vampire quite charming. :D

Kiana started her piece with a beautiful red apple, and then continued to add elements from "Twilight," despite her lack of knowledge of said theme. She has dedicated this piece to her parents, as her mother has read the entire Twilight series, and her dad reminds her of a werewolf.

December 22, 2008

Yikes. I had text and pictures aligned differently in the previous post, but blogger doesn't seem to agree. Oh, well. You get the gist.

Baby, It's Cold Outside

And I'm not just speaking as a warm-weather native.

Front Yard

More Front Yard.

Steps to lower deck.

Snow on shed roof.

View from kitchen

Hawaiian snow shoes

Girls decorated-cute, no?

Girls with Uncle Harry!

Daniel measured yesterday--7.5 inches, before it started snowing again. He promises that once he returns home from a failed attempt to get Josh on a plane to Hawaii (flight cancelled! :( ), he and the girls are going to tear up the front yard! I'll post on their snowy fun later!

Happy Winter!