September 22, 2011

Lend Me Your Ear...

Or better yet, let me lend you mine. :) 

I'm sort of famous.  In an anonymous,
kind of way.

I write this with the presumption that you know what I'm talkin' about; if you don't, here's a link to an informative, written-while-under-the-influence-of-painkillers post: I wish to be informed so I can understand the rest of this post.

Now that we're all on the same page:  I headed over to Seattle today to continue work on my next ear.  I've had my current one for a couple of years, and it has served me well; I sort of got the clue that it was getting ready to turn in its retirement papers when it just kind of...fell off the side of my head in the middle of Fred Meyer's a few weeks ago.  I kid you not.  When I come up with an entertaining way to tell THAT story, I'll be sure to post, but for now, join me in a fit of laughter as I recall that day!!!  I'll have some pretty funny stories to tell my grandkids someday, for sure. :-9

Composure now regained, I just want to share a few shots from my visit.  It's interesting for me to think about what people envision when I speak of going to see the anaplastologist; that word in itself sounds so...medical, when, in fact, her part of the process is more like art.  She does amazing work, and I'm so glad to have access to things like this.

I'm not feeling confident enough to label anything in these pictures; suffice it to say, these are the tools with which she works the magic. :) 

A couple of other shots from the day:

This is actually a shot Kiana got yesterday morning before
school; too pretty not to share.

Feeling random and juvenile on the Kingston ferry:
I got a kick out of my GPS saying my car was driving on water. 

L'il Miss arrived home today with the best goose egg I've seen
in a long time.  Apparently, she was playing tag, and couldn't
stop herself from running into a fence post.  A tough girl, this one.
Tomorrow is hubby's birthday; yesterday was brother's birthday. 
Will post pics from both occasions this weekend.

Happy Thursday!


Michelle said...

Wow! I know an anonymous famous woman whose ear fell off at the store the other day!

I'm so honored. :)

Keeping you & yours in prayer during this time.


Keala C. said...

Teehee. :) <3