August 25, 2011

Lazy Days

A gorgeous Pacific NW day, perfect for getting out with some friends.  We left a sick-y Miki home with Papa, and met Tanya and kids at the Waterfront to soak up some Vitamin D.

First order of business: 
running to tell Mom she fell off the swing. 
And she's okay.

The big sisters, trying to keep cool. 
In every sense of the word.

An Abby smile: rare, and wonderful. ;-D

Lookers looking.

An increasingly rare moment of goofiness.

Danny, git yer gun.
Happy girls!

Happy cross-eyed girls.

We headed back home, armed with ice cream sundaes, and a plan that involved swimsuits and slip'n'slides.

Abby Ca-dabby.


In an estrogen-dominated household,
anything the boy does is foreign,
and generally more interesting.

Waiting their turns.  I suppose now would
be a good time to start locking them up.

Joy bubbling over;
I love seeing her this way.
Rockstar Miki got to join in the fun. :)

Whee!!!  (That's pretty much the only
caption this picture could have.)

Savoring these last days of summer...
Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Keala C. said...

Looks like summer over there! Maika'i! :-D Sure would like to join in on all the fun. XOXOXO